The Sword of Damocles is Falling

It’s the last day of April, 2022 and Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is quickly approaching.  With it, heatwaves, hurricanes, fires and the La Nina driven mega-drought will continue their onslaught. The melt season in the Arctic is just getting started, with the possibility of a new low reminding us again of the inevitability of a blue ocean event. Siberian […]

The Three Freedoms

Yesterday, April 22, was Earth Day. Curious fact: the letters in “Earth Day” can be rearranged to spell “Death Ray” — and isn’t that what the day is really all about? Solar radiation pummeling the planet, with death rays scorching every rock, tree and blade of grass. An energy imbalance caused by an abundance of gasses that don’t allow those […]

The Steel Door of Doom is Welded Shut

The latest 2022 release by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) subtitled “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” concludes with this call to action: “The cumulative scientific evidence is unequivocal: Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window […]

A Brief History of “Windows of Opportunity”

A video message to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in reply to the conclusion in the final paragraph of the IPCC, AR6, WG1, SPM report that was released on February 27, 2022, that says in part: “Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to […]

Collapse is Death by One Million Cuts

Many of us have become numb to the escalating collapse of everything that’s accelerating all around us. Extreme events have become so commonplace that they hardly get noticed by mainstream media. It’s Monday morning and I have to dig deep into my newsfeed to find any mention of ongoing heat waves, fires, droughts and storms. On Sunday afternoons I get […]

The Sis & Bro Show, #2 — 02.12.2022

My sister Hilary and I present the second episode of our world famous (in our own minds) show where we talk about living in these end times. Topics include– Trucker strike and misinformation. Ranting about Facebook/Twitter/Youtube and others. Hilary’s drawings of Earth’s climate systems. The current heat anomaly going on everywhere. More on the end times. Hilary Jacobson can be […]

The Tyranny of “We”

From the 1985 hit, “We are the World, We are the Children,” to Martin Luther King’s famous “we as a people will get to the promised land,” the history of “we” is rich with hyperbole and hope.  While an invocation of “we” is mostly a positive rhetorical call to action, the truth about “we” in the context of climate change […]

Methane Growth is Accelerating

In my latest YouTube video I discuss the NOAA numbers showing global methane now over 1900 ppb as of September, 2021.  I then present my own personal hack of the NOAA data that measures annualized global methane growth.  My hack takes into account the relatively fast rate of decay for methane (half-life of 110 months), which leads to stunning and […]

The Demise of Hopium

Hopium (n) Irrational or unwarranted optimism. [YourDictionary.Com] That deranged condition in which a person is deluded into thinking humanity will survive omnicide. [] I am not here to re-litigate the inevitability of the near-term collapse of global industrial civilization and the obvious consequence that billions of humans will suffer terribly as a result. Collapse is the endpoint of overshoot and […]

On Generosity and Petty Tyrants

When I was working for the casino industry as a consultant, I became good friends with Bill Zender, a consultant whose work was very similar to my own. Early on, Bill shared a lesson that no one else in the industry seemed to know. He told me to “be generous,” to give away my knowledge and services as much as […]

Hopium, Apocaloptimism and Hausfather

I was in a Twitter discussion recently with Dr. Zeke Hausfather, a well-known climate scientist & IPCC author.  Hausfather is a top-notch, first-rate guy in every manner.  He is well-educated, thoughtful in his comments, well-respected by his peers and a great science communicator.  Here was our Twitter exchange, in part. My Tweet: I’m thinking that 2022 is going to be […]

Mann’s Law — A New Internet Adage for End-Times

After being blocked on Twitter by the ubiquitous climate celebrity Michael E. Mann (@michaelemann) for daring to say that many doomers are kind and generous individuals (as I documented in this post), I have seen his type of behavior repeated by several other so-called apocaloptimists.  In this short post, I want to outline a new climate-based Internet adage that I […]