Climate Casino
Here are my current betting odds for catastrophic climate events to come. I will update these odds, close completed bets and create new bets as new information becomes available.
Various other short-term wagers are posted regularly on my Twitter account. Please follow me on Twitter for more wagers, or search for the hashtag #climatecasino.
The current fake balance for the Climate Casino (wins – losses) is +$1,922.00.
Last updated: January 10, 2025
Methane Maximum in 2025
This is a simple over/under bet on the maximum methane for 2024, which will likely come out in the NOAA monthly report in March or April of 2025. The line is set at 1941.50 pp, and the data used will be NOAA’s monthly reading, published here.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link:
CO2 Maximum in 2025
This is a simple over/under bet on the monthly average for May, 2025 (typically the yearly maximum). The line is set at 430.70 ppm, and the data used will be NOAA’s monthly reading, published here.
The May, 2025 reading will be published typically around June 5-8. It is also possible that the maximum will be hit in April’s reading (out around May 5-8). In any event, this wager should be fully finalized by early June, 2025.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link:
Peak Global Surface Temperature in 2025
This is an even fake-money OVER/UNDER for the maximum global mean surface temperature in 2025. The line is 17.20°C.
The previous record max is 17.15°C set on July 23, 2024. The bet will be resolved using ERA data.
Here is a record of Twitter betting.
Global Mean Surface Temperature Anomaly for 2025
This is a simple over/under fake bet that the year 2025 will be 1.45°C or higher above the 1850-1900 IPCC pre-industrial baseline (using Copernicus ERA5 data).
Here is a record of Twitter betting.
World Cup in 2026
The World Cup is scheduled to take place in North America in 2026. Many believe that civilization won’t last long enough for the next World Cup to take place. Will there be a World Cup in 2026?
Betting on “No” pays 6-to-1, your $1 fake bet will win fake $6 if no World Cup takes place in 2026.
Betting on “Yes” pays 1-to-6, your $1 fake bet will win fake $0.17 if a 2026 World Cup happens.
Wagers will be settled based on the data posted here: Twitter Link
Single Month Global Temperature Anomaly Breaks. 2.0C above Pre-Industrial Baseline by January, 2027.
This is a simple over/under bet on the first full month to break 2.0°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial baseline. The over/under date is set at January, 2027. The current record, as of the beginning of this wager, is December, 2023, at 1.78°C above the baseline.
This wager will be decided using Copernicus ERA5 data (or whatever the latest dataset Copernicus is publishing at the time), which includes the Copernicus 1850-1900 baseline, on or before February 1, 2027.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
12-Month Running Mean for Global Temperatures Breaks 2.0C above Pre-industrial Baseline by Dec. 31, 2028
When the dust settles on the current El Niño (posted in early 2024), we’re almost certain to see a 12-month running mean for the global temp of 1.6°C or more above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial. This is a simple over/under fake bet on the 12-month running mean breaking 2.0°C.
This wager will be decided using Copernicus ERA5 data (or whatever the latest dataset Copernicus is publishing at the time), which includes the Copernicus 1850-1900 baseline, on or before January 1, 2029.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Lake Mead in the US going Dead Pool by 2030
Lake Mead, on the border of Arizona and Nevada, supplies power and water to millions in the Southwest US. Water levels have been decreasing year over year at a rate of about 20 feet per year. Today the level is at about 1040 feet. Dead pool is the water level at which water can no longer flow out of the dam, leaving millions without power and water. For Lake Mead, this level is 895 feet.
This wager is when Lake Mead will go dead pool. It is an even money bet with an over/under of the year 2030. The “Under” bet wins if dead pool happens by December 31, 2029. The “Over” bet wins if dead pool happens after January 1, 2031. All wagers lose if dead pool happens in 2030.
Source for more information: https://mead.uslakes.info/level.asp
Global Temperatures Exceeding 60°C = 140°F by January 1, 2030
We are now routinely seeing world temperatures that exceed 52°C. In 2021, the high temp was 54.4°C. As the planet heats up, new record highs should occur. This is a wager when the first WMO recognized high temperature will equal or exceed 60°C = 140°F. This wager wins and pays even money if 60°C occurs on or before December 31, 2029.
Blue Ocean Event by January 1, 2030
Will JAXA or NSIDC data show less than 1 million square kilometers of Arctic sea-ice extent before 2030 (one of the years 2022-2029)? This very long-term wager pays even money.
Total Sea Level Rise by January 1, 2040
This is my longest-term wager.
First, there is an “over” wager that pays 2-to-1 if global sea-level rise is greater than or equal to 14 inches (355 mm) between the period January 1, 2000 to January 1, 2040.
Second, there is an “under” wager that pays 1-to-2 if global sea-level rise is less than or equal to 10 inches (254 mm) between the period January 1, 2000 to January 1, 2040.
All wagers lose in the event global sea-level rise is between 10 inches and 14 inches.
Wagers will be settled based on this (or similar) US government data:
Peak Global CO₂ (approx. 2040-2050)
At some point global CO₂ will peak. This will happen for one of two reasons. Either there will be an effective reduction in CO₂ emissions to the point where net-0 is reached (currently predicted to be somewhere in the range of 2050-2070), or else global industrial civilization will collapse so that very little CO₂ is being emitted by humans. Combining the efforts of humans to reduce CO₂ emissions with the demise of global industrial civilization, the climate casino is offering an over/under of global CO₂ at 450 ppm, which will likely happen somewhere in the range 2040-2050.
This is an over/under wager with an unknown timeline. You can fake wager that CO₂ will peak over 450 ppm or under 450 ppm. Each of these pays fake even-money. Wagers will be settled based on this (or similar) NOAA data:
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Human Population Minimum in the Decade 2050-2059
This is not a wager, but is the climate casino’s answer to the question of predictions for the future of humans on this planet. The climate casino is giving an over/under of 4 billion humans for the minimum human population reached during the decade 2050-2059.
Global Temperature Anomaly Horse Race for the full year 2024
This bet has been resolved. Because our calculation of the anomaly for 2024 to three decimal digits was 1.598°C, and Copernicus announced 1.60°C, and the Climate Casino is flush with fake-cash, we’ve decided to pay out both the 1.50°C-1.59°C and 1.60°C-1.79°C wagers in full!
- 51 bet below 1.50°C, losing $51 fake dollars
- 329 bet 1.50°C-1.59°C, winning $329 fake dollars
- 350 bet 1.60°C-1.79°C, winning $175 fake dollars 173 bet 1.80°C and over,
- losing $173 fake dollars
- The Climate Casino LOST $382 fake dollars!
Given the ongoing El Niño, and that this year is at least 1.46°C above the IPCC 1850-1900 baseline, what do you think the global temperature anomaly for 2024 will be?
- Below 1.50°C (pays 4-to-1)
- 1.50°C – 1.59°C (pays 1-to-1)
- 1.60°C – 1.75°C (pays 1-to-2)
- 1.76°C and above (pays 3-to-1)
This bet will be resolved in early 2025, after the data is published.
(Note. As of Jan. 2, 2025, my unofficial computation puts the anomaly at 1.598°C. I will await the final statement from Copernicus issued on January 10, 2025 to resolve this bet.)
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Global Temperature Anomaly Rising 1.75C for the full year 2024
This bet has been resolved. The global mean surface temperature anomaly for 2024 was 1.6°C. The UNDER bet is the winner.
- 761 bet on OVER, losing $761 fake dollars.
- 289 bet on UNDER, winning $289 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino WON $472 fake dollars.
This is a follow-up wager to the wager above, which gave 10-to-1 odds for 1.70°C for the full year 2024. This wager is an even money over/under of 1.75°C for the entire year 2024 (ERA5 data).
This bet will be resolved in early 2025, after the data is published.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Global Temperature Anomaly Rising 1.7°C for the full year 2024
This bet has been resolved. The global mean surface temperature anomaly for 2024 was 1.6°C. The UNDER bet is the winner.
- 539 bet on OVER, losing $539 fake dollars.
- 190 bet on UNDER, winning $19 fake dollars (paid 1-to-10).
- The Climate Casino WON $520 fake dollars!
Given the return of El Niño in 2023 and prediction for a very strong El Nino in late 2023, do you think the global mean surface temperature (GMST) for the entire year 2024 will break 1.7°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline? This fake bet pays fake 10-to-1 for the over and fake 1-to-10 for the under
This bet will be resolved in early 2025, after the data is published.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Global Temperatures Anomaly Rising 1.5°C for the full year 2024
This bet has been resolved. The global mean surface temperature anomaly for 2024 was 1.6°C. The OVER bet is the winner.
- 193 bet on OVER, winning $193 fake dollars.
- 79 bet on UNDER, losing $79 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino LOST $114 fake dollars.
Given the 50% chance of the return of El Niño by late 2023, do you think the global mean surface temperature (GMST) for 2024 will break 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline? This fake bet pays fake even money for a correct answer.
This bet will be resolved in early 2025, after the data is published.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Carbon Dioxide Rising 3.80 ppm from November, 2023 to November, 2024
This bet has been resolved. CO2 in November, 2023 was 420.46 ppm. CO2 in November, 2024 was 423.85 ppm. The yearly gain was 3.39 ppm. The UNDER bet is the winner.
- 252 bet on OVER, losing $252 fake dollars.
- 102 bet on UNDER, winning $102 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino WON $150 fake dollars.
Carbon dioxide tends to spike the year after an El Niño begins. There were huge spikes in 1998 and 2016, following the major El Niños of 1997 and 2015. The spike in 2016 was nearly 3.50 ppm.
This is a simple over/under even money fake bet on whether Mauna Loa carbon dioxide will rise 3.80 ppm from November 2023 to November 2024. This bet will be resolved in early December, 2024, after the data is published.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
New Low Maximum for Global Sea-Ice Extent in 2024
This bet has been resolved. Global sea-ice extent reached a maximum of 23,489,326 km² (JAXA data) on November 11th, 2024, which is below the OVER/UNDER line of 23,500,000 km². The UNDER bet is the winner.
- 132 took the UNDER, winning $132 fake dollars.
- 70 took the OVER, losing $70 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino LOST $62 fake dollars.
Global sea-ice extent usually peaks in early November. The record low maximum is 23,762,018 km² set in 2016. Current (as of October 17, 2024) extent for 2024 is 22,027,600 km². The Over/Under for this year’s sea-ice extent maximum is being set at 23,500,000 km².
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
New Record Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Extent in September, 2024
This bet has been resolved. Arctic sea-ice extent reached a minimum of 4,072,883 km² (JAXA data) on September 13th, 2024, which is higher than the 2012 minimum. The OVER bet is the winner.
- 343 took the UNDER, losing $343 fake dollars.
- 191 took the OVER, winning $191 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino WON $152 fake dollars.
The all-time recorded minimum sea-ice extent for the Arctic occurred on September 17th, 2012, at 3,177,455 square kilometers. This is a simple Over/Under even fake-money wager on whether this year’s minimum sea-ice extent will be above or below 3,177,455 square kilometers.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
New Record Low Maximum Antarctic Sea Ice Extent in September, 2024
This bet has been resolved. Antarctic sea-ice extent reached 17,026,871 km² (JAXA data) on September 7th, 2024, which is higher than the 2023 maximum. The OVER bet is the winner.
- 251 took the UNDER, losing $251 fake dollars.
- 135 took the OVER, winning $135 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino WON $116 fake dollars.
The all-time recorded low maximum for Antarctic sea-ice extent occurred on September 7th, 2023, at 16,985,859 square kilometers. This is a simple Over/Under even fake-money wager on whether this year’s maximum sea-ice extent will be above or below 16,985,859 square kilometers.
This bet will be resolved by early October 2024, using JAXA data.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Will August 2024 be hotter than August 2023?
This bet has been resolved. The average global temperature for August, 2024 was 1.506°C above pre-industrial. The average global temperature for August, 2023 was 1.505°C above pre-industrial. The YES/OVER bet was the winner.
- 275 bet “YES” winning $137.50 fake dollars.
- 81 bet “NO” losing $81 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino LOST $56.50 fake dollars.
This wager is if the global mean surface temperatue anomaly for August 2024 will be more or less than the anomaly for August, 2023. This is not an even-money fake-bet, there are odds:
- August, 2024 > August, 2023 pays 1-to-2.
- August, 2024 ≤ August, 2023 pays 2-to-1.
This bet will be resolved in early September, 2024, using ECMWF (Copernicus) data
Here is a record of Twitter betting: Twitter Link
New Record Global 2-meter Surface Temperature Maximum
This bet has been resolved. The global mean surface temperature on July 21, 2024, was 17.09°C. The OVER bet was the winner
- 340 wagered on the OVER winning $170 fake dollars.
- 137 wagered on the UNDER losing $137 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino LOST $37 fake dollars.
The highest global surface temperature (GMST) ever recorded was 17.07°C on July 6, 2023. This wager is if the 2023 record will be broken in 2024.
- 2024 GMST maximum > 2023 maximum (pays fake 1-to-2)
- 2024 GMST maximum ≤ 2023 maximum (pays fake 2-to-1)
This wager will be resolved using ECMWF data.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Second Wager on Date for the 2024 Global Sea Surface Temperature to be Less than 2023 GSST
This bet has been resolved. The Global sea surface temperature on July 4, 2023 was 20.91°C and on July 4, 2024 it was 20.90°C. WAGER #2, paying even fake-money, was the winner.
- 116 wagered on #2, winning $116 fake dollars.
- 541 wagered on #1, #3 or #4, losing $541 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino WON $425 fake dollars.
This is a multiple-choice fake bet asking when the Global sea surface temperature in 2024 (GSST) will be less than the GSST in 2023. There are four wagers, each with different odds.
- Before June 15th (pays fake 2-to-1)
- June 15th to August 31st (pays fake 1-to-1)
- September 1 to December 31st (pays fake 2-to-1)
- Not in 2024 (pays fake 4-to-1)
This bet will be resolved by the end of 2024, one way or another, using this data.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Date for the 2024 Global Sea Surface Temperature to be Less than 2023 GSST
This bet has been resolved. The “OVER” June 15-th bet is the winner.
- 412 took the OVER, winning $412 fake dollars.
- 233 took the UNDER, losing $233 fake dollars.
- The Climate Casino LOST $179 fake dollars.
This is a simple over/under fake bet asking if the Global sea surface temperature in 2024 will be less than the Global sea surface temperature in 2023 on or before June 15, 2024. It is based on the expectation that the coming La Niña, predicted to begin in early June, will rapidly decrease Global sea surface temperatures.
This bet will be resolved on or before when the data for June 16, 2024 sea surface temperatures is released, using this data.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Maximum Mauna Loa Monthly Carbon Dioxide Reading in 2024
This bet has been resolved. The “OVER” bet is the winner. The CO₂ reading for May, 2024 was 426.90 ppm.
- 434 took the OVER, winning $434 fake dollars.
- 133 took the UNDER, losing $133 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $301 fake dollars.
This is a simple over/under bet on the monthly average for May, 2024 (typically the yearly maximum). The line is set at 426.80 ppm, and the data used will be NOAA’s monthly reading, published here.
The May, 2024 reading will be published typically around June 5-8. It is also possible that the maximum will be hit in April’s reading (out around May 5-8). In any event, this wager should be fully finalized by early June, 2024.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Maximum Global Temperature Anomaly above 2.35°C by May 1, 2024.
This bet has been resolved. The “UNDER” bet is the winner. The actual maximum global 2-meter surface temperature anomaly was 2.06°C, on November 18th, 2023.
- 279 took the OVER, losing $279 fake dollars.
- 201 took the UNDER, winning $201 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $78 fake dollars.
This even money fake wager is on the maximum global 2-meter temperature anomaly hit at the height of the current El Nino. We already hit a 2.05°C anomaly twice in 2023. I’m setting the over/under max anomaly at 2.35°C, before May 1st, 2024, using Copernicus ERA5 data.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Maximum Global Sea Surface Temperature above 21.40°C by May 1, 2024
This bet has been resolved. The “UNDER” bet is the winner. The actual maximum global sea surface temperature was 21.17°C on April 24th.
- 518 bet on the OVER, losing $518 fake dollars.
- 124 bet on the UNDER, winning, $124 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $394 fake dollars.
This even money fake wager is on the maximum global sea surface temperature (SST) reached by the end of April, 2024. As this wager was posted, global SSTs were running about 0.40°C above 2023 levels. The 2023 peak in April was 21.05°C, hence this wager is setting a reasonable over/under of 21.40°C.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Maximum Tropical 2m Temperature Over/Under 27.24°C by May 1, 2024
This bet has been resolved. The “UNDER” bet is the winner. The maximum tropical 2-meter temperature reached was 26.94°C on April 24, 2024.
- 407 wagered on the OVER, losing $407 fake dollars.
- 109 wagered on the UNDER, winning $109 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $298 fake dollars.
This even money fake wager is on the maximum tropical 2-meter temperature by May 1, 2024 (or soon after).
On average, Tropical 2m temps peak on Apr. 22, with an average gain from Mar. 13 to Apr. 22 of 0.36°C. The 2m temp on Mar. 13 was 26.87°C. So I am setting an over/under line of 27.24°C for the peak Tropical temperature this year.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Global Temperatures Anomaly Rising 1.3°C for the full year 2023
This bet has been resolved. The “OVER” bet is the winner. The average for 2023 will be at least 1.46°C.
- 141 wagered on the OVER, winning $141 fake dollars.
- 42 wagered on the UNDER, losing $42 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $99 fake dollars.
Given the 50% chance of the return of El Niño by late 2023, do you think the global mean surface temperature (GMST) for 2023 will break 1.3°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline? This fake bet pays fake even money for a correct answer.
This bet will be resolved in early 2024, after the data is published. (Resolved 12/21/2023)
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Global Temperatures Breaking the previous all time record anomaly of 1.21°C for the full year 2023
This bet has been resolved. The “YES” bet is the winner. The average for 2023 will be at least 1.46°C.
- 160 wagered on YES winning $40 fake dollars.
- 32 wagered on NO losing $32 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $8 fake dollars.
Given the 50% chance of the return of El Niño by late 2023 and the implied heating from the Hunga-Tonga volcanic eruption, do you think the global mean surface temperature (GMST) for 2023 will break the previous record of 1.21°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline?
Given the facts on the ground, this wager has some pretty stiff odds. The “Over 1.21°C” wager pays 1-to-4. A $1 fake-bet will pay $0.25. The “Under 1.21°C” wager pays 4-to-1.
This bet will be resolved in early 2024, after the data is published. (Resolved 12/21/2023)
Here is a record of Twitter betting: Twitter Link.
El Niño for the three month period Aug/Sep/Oct 2023
This bet has been resolved. The “YES!” bet is the winner. The average for the three month period Aug/Sep/Oct was 1.5°C and was officially an El Niño according to NOAA.
- 102 wagered on YES, winning $34 fake dollars.
- 30 wagered on NO, losing $30 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $4 fake dollars.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Global Temperatures Exceeding 17.25°C on any day in 2023
This bet has been resolved. The “UNDER” bet is the winner. The highest global temperature in 2023 was 17.233°C set on July 6th.
- 358 took the OVER, losing $358 fake dollars.
- 97 took the UNDER, winning $97 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $261 fake dollars.
This is an even-money wager that on some day in 2023 the global 2 meter temperature will exceed 17.25°C. The previous record is 16.924°C set in 2022.
This bet will be resolved in late 2023, after the peak temperature for the year has been reached, or any time the temperature is equal to or greater than 17.25°C.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Antarctic sea ice maximum extent over/under 15.5 million km²
This bet has been resolved. The “OVER” bet is the winner. Antarctic sea ice extent was 15.6M km² on August 20th, according to NSIDC data.
- 184 took the OVER, winning $184 fake dollars.
- 356 took the UNDER, losing $356 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $172 fake dollars.
This is an even-money wager if the maximum Antarctic sea ice extent is over or under 15,500,000 square kilometers.
This bet will be resolved in late October, 2023, after the peak extent has been reached. The bet will be resolved using NSIDC data, available here.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
CH4 (Methane) Monthly Global Maximum in 2023 less/more than 1932.00 ppb
This bet has been resolved. The “UNDER” bet is the winner. (Methane peaked at 1924.71 ppb).
- 25 took the UNDER, wining $25 fake dollars.
- 113 took the OVER, losing $113 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $88 fake dollars.
This is an even money bet that the 2023 CH4 global maximum (usually in February of each year) will be either more than 1932.00 ppb or less than 1932.00 ppb. The house wins all wagers if the 2023 maximum is between 1931.75 ppb and 1932.25 ppb.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
CO₂ Monthly Maximum at Mauna Loa in 2023 less/more than 424.00 ppm
This bet has been resolved. The “OVER” bet is the winner. (May, 2023 CO2 was exactly 424.00 ppm).
- 131 took the OVER, winning $131 fake dollars.
- 39 took the UNDER, losing $39 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $92 fake dollars.
This is an even money bet that the 2023 CO₂ Mauna Loa maximum (usually in May of each year) measured at Mauna Loa will be either more than 424.00 ppm or less than 424.00 ppm.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Arctic Sea-Ice Maximum is a New Record Low Maximum
This bet has been resolved. The “OVER” bet is the winner.
- 75 bet the UNDER, losing $75 fake dollars.
- 40 bet the OVER, winning $40 fake dollars.
- The climate casino WON $35 fake dollars.
We are nearing the annual Arctic sea-ice maximum. Using JAXA data, the previous all-time record low sea-ice maximum happened on March 6, 2017 with an extent of 13,878,287 km². As of this wager on January 25, 2023, Arctic sea-ice extent is 13,106,264 km² and ranks 3rd lowest overall for the date.
The wager is if this year’s maximum will be lower than the record low maximum from 2017. The wager will be resolved either when this year’s sea-ice extent exceeds 13,878,287 km² or April 1, whichever comes first. This is an even-money over/under bet.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Antarctic Sea-Ice Area falls below 1 million km² in February, 2023
This bet has been resolved, the “OVER” bet is the winner.
- 159 bet the UNDER, losing $159 fake dollars.
- 83 bet the OVER, winning $166 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $7 fake dollars.
The wager is if the annual low sea-ice area in the Antarctic will be below 1 million square kilometers in 2023. The wager will be settled based on NSIDC data as given here.
A wager for below 1 million square kilometers pays 1-to-2.
A wager for at or above 1 million square kilometers pays 2-to-1.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
Record Low Antarctic Sea-Ice Extent Reached in 2023
This wager has been resolved. The UNDER bet is the winner.
- 57 wagers each won $0.50 fake dollars.
- 18 wagers each lost $1.00 fake dollars.
- The climate casino LOST $10.50 fake dollars!
This wager is if the annual low sea-ice extent in the Antarctic will reach a new record minimum in 2023. This minimum usually occurs around late February (which is late Summer in the Antarctic). The wager will be settled based on NSIDC data, as given here.
A wager for a new record low pays 1-to-2. If you wager on a new record all-time low and it occurs. That is, your $1 fake wager will win $0.50.
A wager for no new record low pays 2-to-1. If you wager that a new record all-time low won’t occur and it doesn’t, your $1 fake wager will win $2.00.
Here is a record of the Twitter betting: Twitter Link
The fake-wagers posted here are for entertainment and educational purposes only. No actual wagers were made or booked.
Hi Eliot, even trying to relate to number of Hiroshima bombs is beyond most people’s comprehension. I would find how…