CO2-equivalent Update

Well, it finally happened. NOAA published an update to the AGGI (Annual Greenhouse Gas Index), including their best estimate of CO2e, as of 2023. And without postponing the reveal one moment longer, their value was CO2e = 534 ppm. And, drum roll, the value I posted in my article on CO2e was 532 ppm. I’m going to count this as […]

The Long and Winding Road to CO2e

If a calculation is correct, then all roads should lead to the same answer. That is, unless the road is a ditch, a dead-end or a cliff. And so, let us begin our pothole-filled journey together on the road to computing the current value of CO2e, otherwise known as CO2-equivalent, the current atmospheric level of the totality of greenhouse gasses, […]

My Appearance on CNNi: June 17, 2024

Surprise! CNN International invited me back for my third appearance, which was taped last night. The journalist doing the interview was Anna Coren. I was overjoyed to say “yes.” In the 8 hours leading up to the interview, I watched previous climate change reporting by Coren and I was very impressed. I made some notes, but eventually just decided it […]

Wind Power is Grotesque

You’ve got to know which side I’m on. I’m an old-school environmentalist, coming of age in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. More environmental f&%kery happened during my youth and more meaningful environmental policy was enacted in my youth than at any time or any place in modern industrial civilization’s history. When I hear the youth of today complain about […]

Betting on the End of the World

Okay, the ‘world’ will go on. Planet X is not going to come crashing into Earth anytime soon, scattering debris into a new asteroid belt. And yes, eventually the planet will heal itself of the human virus (Homo Ecophagus), and life will go on in some form after humans have consumated their planetary extinction event. I’m using ‘end of the […]

Ain’t Gonna’ Happen

Inspired by Sam Mitchell of Collapse Chronicles, here is my “Ain’t Gonna’ Happen” list, also known as AGH. This list arose from the almost daily onslaught of “we must”, “we should”, “we have to”, “if only we” and “if we don’t” aspirational rhetoric that floods mass media, climate journalism and social networks. This list is also inspired by Michael Dowd’s […]

How Hot is Hell? I Mean Earth?

Do you want to get frustrated by climate scientists? Just ask them what the current level of global surface warming is above the IPCC 1850-1900 pre-industrial baseline. In response, you’ll hear numbers ranging from 1.0°C up to about 1.3°C, depending on your source. The lack of rigor and consistency in reporting this all-important number is crazy-making. But this  singular value […]