How Many Hiroshima Bombs per Second?

Okay, it happened again. Just this week, an article on mainstream media used the Hiroshima Bombs per Second (HpS) metaphor to describe how fast the planet is heating up. This time the conclusion was that the oceans are heating up at a rate of 5 HpS. And they got it Wrong! Wrong! Very wrong! The calculation of HpS is straightforward […]

Beyond Grief: There’s a Sadness Deep Inside of Me

According to Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, there are five stages of grief that are outlined and accepted as normal in the process of coping with a tragic loss. A quick reminder — these are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Current psychological theory says these happen in no particular order and that they can recur many times during the grieving process. You […]

Choking on Hope*

Hope. Hope. Hope. Hope. Hope. Hope for a better tomorrow. A kernel of hope. Hope against hope. Keep hope alive. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Hope springs eternal. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. Cross my heart and hope to die. Collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse. If you watched the Jeopardy episode that aired on October […]

Your Moment of Doom

“Let’s not worry. It’s too late now. It will always be too late, fortunately!” — Albert Camus, The Fall We are stampeding towards doom. That’s the big “we,” as in humanity, as in all of us, together, collectively engaging in an unstoppable onslaught against ecosystems, climate systems, vast regions of ice, superheated acidified oceans, permafrost, rainforests and every other life […]

The Collapse of Everything or King Charles III?

“I have seen many humanitarian disasters in the world, but I have never seen climate carnage on this scale,” — Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, September 10, 2022 Many articles about climate change begin with a litany of recent climate events. The author just handpicks their favorite five to ten catastrophes, gives a quick reminder of each, and then moves […]

900 Miles of Burned and Diseased Forest

Please appreciate this pictorial post by guest author Diane, who documented the devastation she encountered during a hike she took along the Continental Divide Trail in June and July, 2022 in a photo-essay collection, which she has generously shared with me so I can share it with you. Be sure to read the notes in the captions of the photos. […]

Is the Methane Catastrophe Happening Right Now?

Methane (CH₄) has been in the news a lot lately, mostly because the monthly numbers released by NOAA  continue to skyrocket into record territory, while simultaneously increasing year-over-year by record amounts.  Methane currently stands at a near-record 1909.2 parts per billion (ppb) while having gone up by 20.4 ppb in just the last year. Methane is important for two major […]

Appearance on Environmental Coffeehouse, 07-08-2022

This post links to the YouTube video of my latest appearance on Sandy Schoelles’ show, “Environmental Coffeehouse,” featuring my conversation with Jennifer Hynes about the recent Guardian article, “Methane much more sensitive to global heating than previously thought.”  We take a deep dive into a bit of atmospheric chemistry involving hydroxyl radicals and discuss two feedback loops that may be […]

The Summer of F**kery is Upon Us

Summer begins in two days, but collapse is already busting out all over. In case your limited time for news absorption is focused on politics, mass shootings and celebrity updates, you may have missed the news. Planetary and social systems are crashing. Species are going extinct. The world is coming to an end. You name it, it’s happening right now. […]

The End of the World is Not Coming by 2030

Being a doomer is nothing new, people have been talking about “the end of the world” for just as long as we’ve had the language to describe the idea. There was the Halley’s comet panic of 1910, the Y2K millennium computer bug, and more recently the Mayan calendar prediction for the end of the world in 2012. There is even […]

The Agency of Being Hopeless

A note from Eliot — this is an invited guest post written by a good friend, Diane Soini. With gratitude, Diane! Suffering from insomnia I decided to try to remember the name of a YouTube channel Eliot recommended so I typed it into Google and something came right up that looked to be in the colors I remember seeing when […]

Children on the Road to Nowhere

Sometimes I just have to write about it, what else is there to do? This morning my skin was crawling with how quickly collapse is accelerating.  On every front worse shit is happening than ever before in recorded human history on a global scale. And yet we are still talking about solutions, as-if any of them would really work or […]