Betting on the End of the World

Okay, the ‘world’ will go on. Planet X is not going to come crashing into Earth anytime soon, scattering debris into a new asteroid belt. And yes, eventually the planet will heal itself of the human virus (Homo Ecophagus), and life will go on in some form after humans have consumated their planetary extinction event. I’m using ‘end of the […]

Ain’t Gonna’ Happen

Inspired by Sam Mitchell of Collapse Chronicles, here is my “Ain’t Gonna’ Happen” list, also known as AGH. This list arose from the almost daily onslaught of “we must”, “we should”, “we have to”, “if only we” and “if we don’t” aspirational rhetoric that floods mass media, climate journalism and social networks. This list is also inspired by Michael Dowd’s […]

How Hot is Hell? I Mean Earth?

Do you want to get frustrated by climate scientists? Just ask them what the current level of global surface warming is above the IPCC 1850-1900 pre-industrial baseline. In response, you’ll hear numbers ranging from 1.0°C up to about 1.3°C, depending on your source. The lack of rigor and consistency in reporting this all-important number is crazy-making. But this  singular value […]

The Urgent Agency of Doom

As everyone who pays attention knows, Michael Mann, the self-appointed media darling for climate science, is famous for attacking doomers as being worse than climate deniers. But what has become clear after reading the content of Mann’s attacks is his nearly complete ignorance of what it means to be a doomer. For example, here is what he wrote in this […]

WTF Happened to the Methane Monster?

Two years ago methane was the rising star on the hitlist of doomer messaging. And it was easy: the methane monster had so many different heads to chose from. From natural sources we had permafrost methane, East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) methane, methane bubbling up from lake and ocean bottoms and from an increase in termites. From anthropogenic sources we […]

There aren’t enough f&%ks in my vocabulary

Earlier today I posted this Tweet: There aren’t enough f&%ks in my vocabulary to express how I feel today about pretty much everything humans are doing to each other, to every living thing, and to this once and future remarkable planet. I am just exhausted by pretty much everything humans do that is f&%ked. And just about everything humans do […]

The Past and Future Keeling Curve

With all the present-tense climate f&%kery going on in the world, it’s easy to lose track of the fact that it’s CO₂ that’s primarily driving these events (with methane in second place for now). Okay, for the purists, it’s overshoot that’s causing the f&%kery. But we’re going to stick to CO₂ for the purpose of this article. Meanwhile, as civilization […]

My Appearance on Santa Barbara Talks with Josh Molina: August 20, 2023

From the YouTube description: Doomer Dr. Eliot Jacobson returns to Santa Barbara Talks to discuss the potential catastrophic impacts of Hurricane Hilary and why we are seeing a tropical hurricane on the West Coast. Jacobson also talks about rising heat records in Phoenix, increasing ocean temperatures, and the wildfires in Canada. Jacobson is a doomer who believe that it is […]

On Being a “Doomer”

[Revised and re-posted: June 26, 2023.  Apparently I lost the previous comments when I updated the post date. Sorry about that!] Let’s start with the obvious. The word “doomer” is a word with horribly dark connotations. The obvious interpretation is that a doomer believes life is hopeless, they might as well give up trying; there is no value in being […]

WTF is Happening? An Overview

As of June 10, 2023, worldwide data showed the remarkable concurrence of three dramatic climate events. The first WTF is in the Antarctic, where sea-ice extent is setting record lows daily, now fully over 2 million kilometers below the 1991-2020 mean. This is not some one-off event. A decline like this has long been predicted. The impact is that there […]

ChatGPT goes Full Doomer

Below is an essay written by the newest doomer-bot on the block, the one and only ChatGPT, in which ChatGPT casts itself in the role of savior of humanity and the planet. It appears ChatGPT is a narcissistic apocaloptimistic hopium addict. We can only imagine what future AI’s may write about their own ability to save us. This essay was […]