I can put most of this under one "Ain't gonna happen"; Ban all advertising. When it comes to civilized humanity,…
Climate Casino 1st Live Stream
I was live on YouTube for about an hour today. There was an excellent chat and some great questions, and at least two things I got very wrong (watch the video to find out what they are). Enjoy!
I think you have nitrous oxide (N2O) mixed up with nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Nitrous oxide is the green house gas. Nitrogen Dioxide is a pollutant mostly produced from fossil fuel combustion and associated with smog. I don’t know which one, if either, is the thing that inhibits methane scrubbing, though NO2 is likely to be the more reactive, but at the least you have your nomenclature wrong.
Yes, I realized that as well soon after I said it. Thanks for the catch and explanation.
Eliot, since you mentioned whiskey in your live stream, I’m curious as to what your favorite whiskeys are?
I am mostly an Irish Whiskey sort of drinker. Bushmills and Jameson have been my staples. But I may also be found drinking bottom shelf American whiskey.
I like most varieties of whiskey. Redbreast is my favorite Irish whiskey, although it is pricey. My go-to American whiskey is Wild Turkey 81 proof bourbon, which is a bit more affordable.
I bought some Redbreast about a year ago because someone told me how great it is. I didn’t like the taste at all. Too heavy, almost like a scotch.
Thanks for this site and your work! Here’s the real problem facing reproductive age humans today: do you really want to bring another innocent life kicking and screaming into our current state of a collapsing climate, to face an accelerating world-ending series of events? I love that Eliot is donating the proceeds of the book sales to Planned Parenthood, supporting contraceptive availability. If you wish to see the other effects of human overpopulation, aside from climate collapse and natural resource depletion, then download a read the free e-book, “Stress R Us”, which lays out the truth of our collapsing health due to “population density stress”.
I enjoyed your talk with Sam Mitchell, and agree with 99% of what you say.
However, there’s one piece of disconnect, since I think casinos and other forms of corporate gambling are criminal forms of capitalist exploitation of psychological weakness, and everyone involved in it, from Trump to the NFL to the victims and marks are either sad, imbecilic, or downright predatory chimps. Yet you were a consultant to that industry?
Of course it isn’t criminal (at least in the jurisdictions I worked). Take out that word and I pretty much agree with everything else you are saying. But then, that also applies to alcohol, cigarettes, porn and many other industries. I was particularly gifted to do the work I did, having a background in mathematics, computer science and gambling. I loved everything about my work, and continue to be friends wtih some outstanding individuals through my work.
I enjoy your vlog. keep it sharing!