I can put most of this under one "Ain't gonna happen"; Ban all advertising. When it comes to civilized humanity,…
My Appearance on Environmental Coffeehouse: April 23, 2024
A wide-ranging conversation, including the history and evolution of Earth Day and a robust Q/A session. Enjoy!
I hate that I missed this live! You’re two of my favorite climate commentators.
Another great and much needed presentation by two of my most respected climate hawks. I’m just a fumbling old retired doc, but I follow the C3S “Climate Pulse” page daily and see a day to day surface air temp anomaly between last year and this year and the 1991-2020 baseline of anywhere from 0.25 to 0.14 degC day to day. And yet, all the “experts” (fossil fuel shills?) keep reporting that 3.0 degC is not in the cards until much later in this century, if at all. At the low end 0.14 deg daily year over year anomaly, we could be at 1.68 degC by year end, 1.82 degC by the end of 2025, 1.96 degC by the end of 2026, 2.10 degC by the end of 2027,… and at 2.94 degC by 2032, if the current heat accumulation trend continues at the present rate: 13 Hiroshima nuclear bomb blasts/sec, 1,036,800/d, where each one generates 63 trillion BTUs. Thanks to Eliot and Sandy!
Even the current MILLION HB DAILY, brings us to 2C by 2027 (3 years!) and certainly by 2030!
2c by 2030!
Yes, it took 20 years for the earth energy imbalance to go from 4 HB per second in 2004, to currently 12 HB per second, which is truly approximately ! 1 Million HB DAILY! as the CO2 continues to increase, it will take less then 10 more years to double to perhaps 24 HB per second, approximately 2.0 Million HB DAILY! EEI is the best parameter to follow because 1) It is directly measured by orbiting satellite and 2) therefore it does NOT require models to forecast it.
3) 1 MILLION HB DAILY !!! The magic of ’round’ numbers, and 1 MILLION is as round a number as can possibly be!
4) 1 MILLION DAILY adds 365 MILLION HB of heat energy yearly!
5) What will earth climate be like in 10 years, after 3,650 MILLION HB have heated this earth!?!?
— Chaz