The Great Climate Change Crises Convergence

We face the great climate change crises convergence, when the direct impacts of climate change no longer are single items to be listed, researched and debated. Rather, these expanding impacts now routinely combine into a multi-headed hydra creating localized desolation with global consequences.

What follows below is a list some of the consequences of climate change.  This list gives many of the current, future and speculative impacts. This list was collated with my own entries along with contributions from many individuals who responded to a Twitter post I made in August, 2021.  With gratitude to all who have contributed and helped compile this list.

This work will be ongoing.  As new things happen I will add them as needed.  There is no special organization to this list other than it is alphabetical.  Some categories may overlap with others.

The Consequences of Climate Change

  1. Acid rain
  2. Algae blooms
  3. Ash & smoke
  4. Bees & pollination loss
  5. Biodiversity loss
  6. Breakdown of culture
  7. Civil unrest
  8. Climate refugees & migration
  9. Communications disruptions
  10. Coral bleaching
  11. Crop failures
  12. Death
  13. Deforestation
  14. Denial/grief/anger/anxiety
  15. Desertification
  16. Disease, pandemics
  17. Diseases (plants & animals)
  18. Doomsday & other cults
  19. Droughts
  20. Drying up of lakes & rivers
  21. Drying up of wells & springs
  22. Earth axis shift
  23. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes
  24. Ecosystem collapse
  25. Extreme cold
  26. Fertility
  27. Fertility decline
  28. Financial/bank/stock collapse
  29. Fires
  30. Floods
  31. Food & water riots
  32. Hazardous & polluted air
  33. Heat waves
  34. Heritage & culture loss
  35. Homelessness
  36. Hunger, famine & starvation
  37. Hypercanes (need >50C SST)
  38. Hypercapnia (breathing CO2)
  39. Increased criminality
  40. Infrastructure collapse
  41. Insurance industry collapse
  42. Invasive species
  43. Isostatic adjustment
  44. Loss of arable land
  45. Loss of atmospheric oxygen
  46. Loss of potable water
  47. Melting Antarctic land ice
  48. Melting Arctic Sea ice
  49. Melting glaciers
  50. Melting Greenland ice
  51. Mental health / depression
  52. Methane release
  53. More frequent storms
  54. More powerful storms
  55. Nuclear plant meltdown
  56. Ocean acidification
  57. Ocean deoxygenation
  58. Ontological shock
  59. Ozone layer depletion
  60. Permafrost thaw
  61. Persistent Rossby waves
  62. Physical health
  63. Political instability
  64. Pot holes
  65. Price instability & inflation
  66. Rainforest degradation
  67. Reanimated bacteria/viruses
  68. Religious unrest
  69. Rising water temperatures
  70. Scorpionadoes
  71. Sea level rise
  72. Shutdown of AMOC, SMOC
  73. Species extinction (100+/day)
  74. Supply chain collapse
  75. Transportation collapse
  76. Unemployment & poverty
  77. War & terrorism
  78. Weakened polar vortices


Algae Blooms

Bees & Pollination Loss

Doomsday & Other Cults

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes

Extreme Cold



Loss of Atmospheric Oxygen

Nuclear Plant Meltdown

Ocean Deoxygenation

Ozone Layer Depletion

Physical Health

Pot Holes


Supply Chain Collapse




Last Revised: September 5, 2021



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