yes, appreciate the collected doomer quotes! Gives me a great book list! Useful to remind ppl of who, writers, they've…
The Great Climate Change Crises Convergence
We face the great climate change crises convergence, when the direct impacts of climate change no longer are single items to be listed, researched and debated. Rather, these expanding impacts now routinely combine into a multi-headed hydra creating localized desolation with global consequences.
What follows below is a list some of the consequences of climate change. This list gives many of the current, future and speculative impacts. This list was collated with my own entries along with contributions from many individuals who responded to a Twitter post I made in August, 2021. With gratitude to all who have contributed and helped compile this list.
This work will be ongoing. As new things happen I will add them as needed. There is no special organization to this list other than it is alphabetical. Some categories may overlap with others.
The Consequences of Climate Change
- Acid rain
- Algae blooms
- Ash & smoke
- Bees & pollination loss
- Biodiversity loss
- Breakdown of culture
- Civil unrest
- Climate refugees & migration
- Communications disruptions
- Coral bleaching
- Crop failures
- Death
- Deforestation
- Denial/grief/anger/anxiety
- Desertification
- Disease, pandemics
- Diseases (plants & animals)
- Doomsday & other cults
- Droughts
- Drying up of lakes & rivers
- Drying up of wells & springs
- Earth axis shift
- Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes
- Ecosystem collapse
- Extreme cold
- Fertility
- Fertility decline
- Financial/bank/stock collapse
- Fires
- Floods
- Food & water riots
- Hazardous & polluted air
- Heat waves
- Heritage & culture loss
- Homelessness
- Hunger, famine & starvation
- Hypercanes (need >50C SST)
- Hypercapnia (breathing CO2)
- Increased criminality
- Infrastructure collapse
- Insurance industry collapse
- Invasive species
- Isostatic adjustment
- Loss of arable land
- Loss of atmospheric oxygen
- Loss of potable water
- Melting Antarctic land ice
- Melting Arctic Sea ice
- Melting glaciers
- Melting Greenland ice
- Mental health / depression
- Methane release
- More frequent storms
- More powerful storms
- Nuclear plant meltdown
- Ocean acidification
- Ocean deoxygenation
- Ontological shock
- Ozone layer depletion
- Permafrost thaw
- Persistent Rossby waves
- Physical health
- Political instability
- Pot holes
- Price instability & inflation
- Rainforest degradation
- Reanimated bacteria/viruses
- Religious unrest
- Rising water temperatures
- Scorpionadoes
- Sea level rise
- Shutdown of AMOC, SMOC
- Species extinction (100+/day)
- Supply chain collapse
- Transportation collapse
- Unemployment & poverty
- War & terrorism
- Weakened polar vortices
Algae Blooms
- Is Humanity Doomed? Science Says We Are In The Middle Of A ‘Mass Extinction Event’, India Times, September 26, 2021
- Mass Extinction Events Can Turn Freshwater Into Toxic Soup, And It’s Already Happening, Science Alert, September 19, 2021
Bees & Pollination Loss
- Bumblebees are going extinct in a time of climate chaos, National Geographic, February 7, 2020
- Climate change reduces the abundance and diversity of wild bees, study finds, PENN State News, September 5, 2021
Doomsday & Other Cults
- Give up your political doomsday cults,, September 20, 2020
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes
- How climate change triggers earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes, The Guardian, October 16, 2016
- Get Ready for More Volcanic Eruptions as the Planet Warms, Scientific American, December 21, 2017
Extreme Cold
- Antarctica’s last 6 months were the coldest on record, CNN, October 9, 2021
- Climate change a threat to fertility long before it makes habitats unliveable – study, Newshub, May 25, 2021
- Climate change may bring ‘supercanes,’ experts say, The Globe and Mail, September 20, 2003
Loss of Atmospheric Oxygen
- The global oxygen budget and its future projection, Science Direct, September 30, 2018
Nuclear Plant Meltdown
- Climate Change Could Cause Fukushima-Style Meltdowns in the US, The_Byte, April 19, 2019
Ocean Deoxygenation
- Ocean Deoxygenation, IUCN, Undated
Ozone Layer Depletion
- The ozone hole over the South Pole is now bigger than Antarctica, CNN, September 16, 2021
Physical Health
- More than 230 journals warn 1.5°C of global warming could be ‘catastrophic’ for health, CNN, September 5, 2021
Pot Holes
- Climate change will make Indianapolis pothole problem even worse, Indy Star, May 3, 2022
- Pothole season in Winnipeg this year could be a taste of what’s to come with climate change, CBC News, May 1, 2022
- More that 250 hospitalized from scorpion stings after storm in Egypt, NBC News, November 15, 2021
Supply Chain Collapse
- The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a ‘system collapse’, CNN, September 29, 2021
Last Revised: September 5, 2021
[…] Climate Change […]
I went to the Women’s March in Los Angeles. I just thought I should be there and be counted. It was a surprise to me how big it was. I was stuck in one place for hours. I thought they were preventing the march from starting but it turned out there were so many people we were packed solid all the way to the finish line. I couldn’t really tell how big we were until I saw the news photos at home later. While I was there I saw all the homemade signs. They were about everything, not just women’s rights. Everything was all one thing now.
[…] The Great Climate Change Crises Convergence – Watching the World Go Bye […]